Impact of Slanted State Ideology on Pakistani Dramas: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Ehd-E-Wafa and Alpha Bravo Charlie
Social Actor representation, Ideological discourse structure, Television drama, Pakistani drama, Pakistani ArmyAbstract
This study investigates the change in the ideology of the Pakistani army depicted in the national dramas Alpha Bravo Charlie and Ehd-e-Wafa. The study focuses on the discourse of the drama to analyze how discursive devices are used to endorse state ideologies. The television dramas are analyzed with the help of an analytical framework of ideological discourse structures proposed by Van Dijk and the visual representation of social actors by Van Leeuwen. The results manifest that there is an evident shift in the ideology of the army. In Alpha Bravo Charlie (1999) army is projected as an agent whereas in Ehad-e-Wafa (2019) army is projected in sharp comparison with various social actors i.e. politicians, media, land mafia and police. The dramas also signify the altered stance of the state. Moreover, this research implicates that critical discourse analysis is an apt tool for the analysis of the socio-cultural impact on shaping ideology through the discourse of drama.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kiran Rabbani Kiran, Dr. Syed Kazim Shah, Farhana Yasmin

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