Acoustical Analysis of Pakistani English Speech Produced by Sindhi English Second Language Learners
English, Sindhi, Vowel duration, Fundamental frequency Vowel qualityAbstract
The English language is widely spoken all around the world and is commonly regarded as the global lingua franca. The current paper aims to explore the acoustic properties of L2 English vowels, uttered by six Pakistani ESL learners residing in the Sindh province of Pakistan. The paper examines L2 English vowels (monophthongs) i.e., /ᴂ/, /e/, /ɑ/, /ɜ/, /i:/, /ɪ/, /u:/, /ʊ/, /ɒ/, /ʌ/, /ɔ/, and /ə/ in minimal pairs. A total of (12×12×6=864) voice samples were analyzed in Praat Speech Processing Tool. Each recording had one vowel minimal pair. Each pair was uttered thrice by the speaker. The samples were recorded by the speakers through a mobile phone recorder without any background sound or echo. The data collection was done through convenience sampling. The paper considered four parameters for the acoustic analysis of English vowels i.e., F0 (fundamental frequency), F1 and F2 (vowel quality), and duration. Vowel quality, durational value, and the fundamental frequency of voice are acoustically described in the study. The study has classified 12 English monophthongs into two groups of short and long vowels based on their durational values i.e., /e/, /ɜ/, /ɪ/, /ʊ/, /ʌ/, and /ə/ as the short English vowel sounds and /ᴂ/, /ɑ/, /i:/, /u:/, /ɒ/, and /ɔ/ as long vowel sounds. The study further found that the F0 of all long vowels was high except for vowel /ɑ/ while all the short vowels have low F0 value except /ɜ/. Finally, vowel space of L2 English vowels was developed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Abdul Malik Abbasi, Ms. Hamna Younus Lakhani, Ms. Ahlam Khan

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