The Issues of Translating Proper Nouns in Harry Potter Novels from English to Urdu Language
Translation, Proper Nouns, Harry Potter Novel, Translation StrategiesAbstract
Translation of proper nouns from one language into another language is a serious issue for translators while making advancements in the field of translation studies. The translators are left with no option, either to translate the proper nouns or leave them as given in the source text. In this regard, the present research intakes similar issues to highlight the problems of translating proper nouns from English to Urdu in the novel “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” and to analyze the strategies adopted by the translator in handling these issues. The investigation is carried out by identifying various proper nouns in the novel and analyzing their translation by applying strategies proposed by Hermans (1988). The findings showed that the translator has mostly used the transcription strategy for the conventional nouns; frequently used translation strategy for the descriptive names, both these strategies did not affect the overall plot of the story.
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