Audiovisual Translation of Cartoons to Improve Lexical Reception and Ethnolinguistic Identity of Punjabi Speech Community
Punjabi audiovisual translation, ethnolinguistic identity, lexical knowledge, linguistic revitalizationAbstract
This study emerges in the absence of literature on the audiovisual translation of cartoons to improve the lexical reception and ethnolinguistic identity of the Punjabi language in Pakistani Punjab. The data was collected from generation Z (7-10 years young children). Giles and Johnson's ethnolinguistic identity theory (1987) was employed to determine whether this cohort demonstrates ethnolinguistic belongingness to the Punjabi language. Two episodes of cartoons were translated, adapted, and dubbed through the lens of the audiovisual translation model proposed by Valeria Giordano (2016). A sample of 40 Urdu/English bilingual children was purposively drawn to investigate their lexical reception for ethnolinguistic identity construction of Punjabi audiovisual translation of cartoons. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was conducted to find the statistically significant difference between the pre-and post-test lexical reception of the participants. Findings revealed an increasing interest of the Participants in the audiovisual translation of cartoons to know more about the Punjabi language. Moreover, there was a significant difference between the pre and post-test lexical reception and ethnolinguistic identity (p<.001). This study is an attempt to revitalize the Punjabi language.
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