Effect of Foreign Language Anxiety on Attitude, Desire, and Self-Competence of University Students
Foreign language anxiety, attitude, desire to speak, self-competenceAbstract
Globally, English has been considered a strong means of communication. In non-English speaking countries, the majority of universities are requiring students to prove their English proficiency when entering or graduating from universities. The most influential factors as limited exposure to English speaking in the universities and the high demands of the universities are creating English language anxiety among university students. By considering these facts, the current study investigated the effect of foreign language anxiety on the attitude, desire, and self-competence of University students. A total of 268 male and female students from two private universities in Lahore were selected randomly. A foreign language anxiety test by Horwitz et al. (1986) was administered among all students. Students showed varied responses in all subscales. Generally, in all subscales, females showed more anxiety in all subscales. Based on findings, it is recommended to decrease foreign language anxiety by changing the classroom environment is a more important and impressively more troublesome assignment. As long as in a second language classroom where assessment in student performance is prioritized, language stress will be enhanced. Instructors might create student reinforcement teaching strategies and closely monitor the classroom climate to fix multiple sources of learner anxiety.
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